Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Pace of Life

I wish I was a better blogger. Really. Even if it was just to let my thoughts out. But bygones will be bygones :) Time to get over it or make it better eh? I can't stop thinking about how fast life moves. I thought that growing up through my teenage years whizzed by, but these past few weeks have been a total whirl. Deadlines I never expected, pressure to make life changing decisions in a matter of hours, and answers that I am experiencing seem to be molding me in to even more of a different person than I was a year ago. I am different than I was last year; that is an unalduterated truth. So when I found a house in a neighborhood that I had verbally semi-comitted to a new build in, I was more than ecstatic. This resale had everything I was looking for in my new build (minus white cabinets...but beggars shouldn't be choosers when buying their first home...) and it was considerably less than a new build. Perfect. Lesson #1: DON'T WAIT to move on a resale. Once you like a house enough MOVE. MOVE FAST. I waited until Monday night at 7:00 to call my realtor and tell her about my interest. At 7:20 she called me back and we both got online only to find out that the status had changed...from active to contigent a matter of 20 minutes. I was crushed and had to mentally move on. Carolyn suggested we go see the house anyway just to see what I thought about it and get my feelers out for what is important in a house buying industry. When I walked in to the house, I found my coworker's face on the wall in wedding pictures! No way! She was a day nurse who worked on my floor PART time. What a coincidence! House shopping continued for the day and we came across another great buy! Lesson #2: Do your research: Time to get down to the nitty gritties and compare pros and cons. Detailed list after list and hours of analyzing were to follow. But first, I went to work that night only to find out that I would be receiving report from that very nurse. Out of all 15 nurses on for the day, it happened that I was assigned to receive report from. Coincidence? She was overly excited that I had gone to see her house and that I was interested. I asked her why, considering she had already accepted a contract. She said she just "didn't have a good feeling about the contract" she currently had and apologized for that feeling being "weird and unexplained". I didn't tell her, but I kept having a feeling about this house as well, despite it not being the better bang-for-your-buck deal in comparison to its competitor. She begged me to put an offer on it and went home. Lesson #3: Be prayerful in all you do. That night, I decided that as part of my prayerful approach I have tried to have in buying a house, I should talk to my mentor at work who I so admire and look up to. We spent nearly two hours throughout the night breaking down each house and coming to the decision that I should go with my gut instinct and the direction my "spirit" was leading me (as she called it) even if I wasn't accepted. My heart was screaming one house while my brain was screaming the better deal (second house). On my drive home, I turned off the music and prayed about which house I should put an offer on. I didn't ask for a decision to be made by my Father. I simply told him which one I felt better about and let the feelings come. I felt good. A bit of a tingle. Something I haven't felt for a while. I called Carolyn and we schedule a time for after I woke up to sign an offer before going back to work. I trusted my feeling, accepted that it was unreasonable considering I most likely won't be picked considering the buyer already accepted a contract, and moved forward. And it felt good! Now all I have to do is pray that the first offer backs out for some reason...which is highly unlikely. :) Good news is I have a backup house to my backup offer! :) Here's a shot of the case I end up getting lucky (or it's meant to be!)